Saturday, December 21, 2019

Video Games Helps Improve Education Essay - 1361 Words

Video games has had a long history of being seen as a negative thing. It seems to be out of the question to use them in classrooms and as a teaching tool. This is the wrong way to look at them however. Video games may be one of the best tools for classrooms and helping students learn not only school topics, but even help them with different skills in the classroom and to help them reduce one of student’s biggest issues; stress. All of these things can be done with the use of video games in the classroom. Video games helps improve education because it help increase interest in the classroom, and develop skills that normal school curriculum can not. Video games is school’s key for the best education possible. Majority of schools are starting up programs and putting money into giving students access to different technology. With this new technology being introduced students, their ability to learn has improved, because of more access to information. Students motivation and learning capability are also starting to increase because of increase interest with the use of technology, and allow games into classrooms (Singh, and Means). Studies have proven that video games increase a student s motivation and learning capability. These studies show how using the games to add a spark of interest for students. A study done by New York University and the City University of New York worked with middle school students and using a math game to see if it helped with their education,Show MoreRelatedVideo Gaming Technology Can Be Beneficial Essay1741 Words   |  7 PagesVideo Gaming Technology can be Beneficial Student’s Name Institutional affiliation Video Gaming As a concerned parent, one would easily feel coaxed to venture into analyzing every aspect of the child s welfare from a day-to-day perspective. There is a common concern over what the kids play around with as well as the impacts created upon the receiver. 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